Growth Track
Growth Track
A four step journey designed to help you discover and become who God has called you to be. The Growth Track happens every month through four consecutive Sundays, starting with Step One on the first Sunday of the month.
Join us for step one of Growth Track to learn more about what we believe as a church. In this session you will learn about what we believe about Jesus, His Church, and your part to play in it. This week will help you to discover more about your faith, the story of our church and the incredible future God has for you. No matter where you find yourself today, whether you are new to our church, new to faith, or you just want to get more connected to everything we are doing as a church — this session is for YOU!
Join us for step two of Growth Track to learn more about the importance of belonging. Community is an absolutely essential part of our journey of faith and as a church we believe that the best way to grow is together. This session of Growth Track will help you better understand the value and impact of building your life in community and give you practical tools to help you find your place in our church home.
In this step three of Growth Track you will have the opportunity to learn more about yourself, your personality and the unique purpose God has for your life. Through teaching and practical tools, we believe that this session is an awesome way to help you become all who God has called you to be. This class will help you discover how God uniquely created you. You will understand your personality and spiritual gifts, you will be prepared to serve others in the way God designed.
In this fourth step of Growth Track you will have the opportunity to get on a TEAM and start to build our house. It is our prayer that through Growth Track you will discover how to utilize your unique gifts, personality, and skills to build the local church. Find opportunities to serve at Connect Church with your gifts and live out your God-given purpose by serving others.